Project Title Proposed Residential Development at
No.1 to 11 Tang Fung Street
(South Coast)
Location No.1 to 11 Tang Fung Street, Ail 269 to 274,
Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Contract Sum HK$ 11,200,000.00
Client Kowloon Development Co.,Ltd.
Architect HsinYieh Arcchitect & Engineers Ltd.
E&M Consultant ISPL Consulting Ltd.
Scope of Services MVAC Installation
No.1 to 11 Tang Fung Street
(South Coast)
Location No.1 to 11 Tang Fung Street, Ail 269 to 274,
Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Contract Sum HK$ 11,200,000.00
Client Kowloon Development Co.,Ltd.
Architect HsinYieh Arcchitect & Engineers Ltd.
E&M Consultant ISPL Consulting Ltd.
Scope of Services MVAC Installation